
Grow, Don’t Change.

You are who you believe you are.

Do you ever consider ditching your car, putting your phone on flight mode, or otherwise disconnecting yourself from the world to see the beauty of nature and all that it has to offer when you’re bored or simply want to clear your mind? Let’s examine the growth of a caterpillar.

Caterpillars can be found hiding under the sides of leaves, in grass, in hedges, and among clumps of nettles. 

Caterpillars go through four stages in their life cycle:

1.the egg,

2.larva (the caterpillar stage),

3.pupa (the chrysalis stage),

4.adult (the butterfly or moth stage).

Knowing the stages of a caterpillar’s development allows you to use that analogy to determine which stage of life you are in and whether you are comfortable, content, or want to grow.

Many of us believe that being comfortable or content is the ultimate goal of life because we feel accepted and have attained all of life’s beauties and glories, but we are unaware that our minds and bodies have no such limit because of this fact. No matter how much money, fame and power we achieve, it is nothing if we don’t pay attention to growing in the most basic areas of our life; spending habits, time management, being aware of our overall health and diet, being kind to people, etc.

Learning and growth are never-ending processes; we learn and grow every day. Similar to the growth phase of a caterpillar, we prepare for the following 4 things in life;

1. Career

-Follow your heart’s desire; even the most benign advice from family members can ultimately prove harmful to us because their decisions are not driven by passion.

-Never accept less because doing so will diminish your worth.

-Stay focused and maintain transparency to self and those around self.

2. Financial Stability

– Being financially stable means living by your means and finding comfort and happiness in it.

– Don’t force yourself into living a fabricated life just to please the world.

3. Family and Relationships.

– God desires that we have meaningful and purposeful relationship

– Surround yourself with like-minded people

– Avoid toxic relationships

4. Health and Wellness.

⁃ Exercise Regularly

⁃ Regulate your diet

⁃ Go for frequent medical check ups

To conclude, I would like to challenge you to take charge of your life by reflecting on and evaluating your words and actions at the end of each day.

3 thoughts on “Grow, Don’t Change.”

  1. According to CMS Africa based in Nairobi, Kenya in their Samaritan Strategy, growth is in four dimensions: wisdom, physical, social and spiritual. They modelled their view on Jesus Christ, Luke 2:52.
    The Bible also clearly mentions that a human being is composed of three parts: body, soul and spirit whereas your growth strategy omit spiritual dimension. It will be good for people with mental problems to know that God the Creator is available to bring healing to all parts of the body.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your insightful comment Barb; spiritual growth is the most important because if we don’t take care of our inner thoughts, beliefs, and words, the outside will rot.


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